

'Leatherface' Movie Cast News: Stephen Dorff to Play Texas Ranger Hal Hartman

News of a 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre' prequel came to us in the past month, and we have now discovered further casting details on the 'Leatherface' project.

'Daredevil' Cast News, Rumors: Vincent D'Onofrio to Take on MCU's Spider-Man?

In a recent interview with IGN, 'Daredevil' Kingpin actor, Vincent D'Onofrio, voiced his public opinion on how he would feel facing off with Spider-Man at some point.

'Avengers: Age of Ultron' Cast News: Red Carpet List Reveals Julie Delpy and Linda Cardellini in Secret Roles

'Avengers: Age of Ultron' drops in theaters in less than a month now, and with the influx of trailers and casting information released, one would think they would know all the big roles in the film. However, recent news would have one thinking again.

'Deadpool' New Movie News: Ryan Reynolds Confirms R-Rating For Film [VIDEO]

Fans anticipating the Fox's 'Deadpool' film can now celebrate as the film's confirmed R-rating, was brought to them by this hilarious parody video Ryan Reynolds orchestrated.

'Straight Outta Compton' New Trailer News: Teaser & Posters Released for Upcoming Film [VIDEO]

The second official trailer for the NWA biopic 'Straight Outta Compton' has just been released and gives fans a much better look of what they can expect from the film.

'Batman v Superman' News, Rumors: Movie Trailer to Release at 'Mad Max: Fury Road' Premiere?

Fans have all been clamoring to see the first trailer for the highly anticipated 'Batman V Superman' film for quite a while now, and if those said fans weren't the lucky few to see the teaser footage at last year's Comic-Con, they're out of luck for now.

'Grand Theft Auto 5' New Patch News: Rockstar Releases Update 1.08 to Fix Issues

Rockstar recently released a new patch for their game 'Grand Theft Auto 5' for the Xbox One and PS4, and while it hoped to improve many of the game's graphics and functions, it was revealed to be more of a downgrade.

'Super Smash Bros' New DLC News: 1.06 Update Brings New Characters and Costumes For Miis

In the most recent Nintendo Direct broadcast, there was a lot of information released on the future of 'Super Smash Bros.' and news on the 1.06 update.

'Silent Hills' News, Rumors: Kojima Productions Logo Removed From Game

The state of the long awaited 'Silent Hills' game has been recently pulled into question with the omission of the Kojima Productions logo on the game's website.

Levi the Poet Releases Good Friday Inspired Spoken Word Piece 'Tetelestai'; Theme Focuses on Christ's Final Words [WATCH HERE]

Spoken word artist Levi the Poet released a new piece for Black Friday called "Tetelestai" that speaks about Jesus' crucifixion and the impact it had on his life.

Worship Leader Christy Nockels' Album 'Let It Be Jesus' is a Wonderful Reminder to Surrender All to Christ [REVIEW]

Worship artist Christy Nockels is releasing her first live worship album, Let It Be Jesus, on April 28, and BREATHEcast was given the chance to preview the album before it launches.

'A.D. the Bible Continues' Actor Adam Levy Says Simon Peter's Denial of Christ is Just the Start of a Powerful Journey [VIDEO INTERVIEW]

BREATHEcast was on the gold carpet premiere of 'A.D. The Bible Continues' this week to conduct interviews and we had the chance to catch up with Simon Peter himself, Adam Levy.

Carman Licciardello Says Record Companies 'Would Not Go Near a Cancer Patient' with Months to Live; Reveals Plans for New Album

Christian gospel legend Carman Licciardello revealed his plan for a new gospel record stemmed out of the support he received during his battle with cancer.