Trending News|April 06, 2015 08:34 EDT
'Grand Theft Auto 5' New Patch News: Rockstar Releases Update 1.08 to Fix Issues
Rockstar recently released a new patch for their game 'Grand Theft Auto 5' for the Xbox One and PS4, and while it hoped to improve many of the game's graphics and functions, it was revealed to be more of a downgrade.
"Parallax occlusion mapping was gone, anisotropic texture filtering had apparently been made even worse than it was already, while collision physics had been simplified. On top of that, long distance pop-in also seemed to take a turn for the worst," writes Euro Gamer.
Developers then shortly took notice to the faulty update and released this message:
"We are aware of some graphical issues on the Xbox One and PS4 versions of GTA 5 after the most recent Title Update, and we are investigating a fix now."
Shortly thereafter another patch was released, and while most of those features were fixed, parallax occlusion mapping and texture filtering weren't functioning.
As of April 2nd, Rockstar has released yet another patch fixing this issue.
"After downloading the 4.7GB update on PS4, we can confirm that parallax occlusion mapping is back in the game, and based on initial observations, the performance improvements seen in patch 1.09 remain in effect on the Sony platform," writes Euro Gamer.