Videos|May 01, 2015 11:18 EDT
XXX Church Reaches IndieGogo Goal to Hand Out 30,000 Bibles to Porn Stars
XXX Church successfully completed an IndieGogo fundraiser to receive donations that would help them distribute 30,000 Bibles to men and woman involved in the porn and sex industry.
With only 40 hours left, and a goal of $50,000, the Pastor Craig Gross founded organization has hit their goal and are around $53,000 as of this writing.

The goal of the campaign is simple; raise money to reach the souls of porn stars, much like former adult actress Brittni Ruiz, who now works with XXX Church.
"Our "Donate Bibles" Campaign is raising $50,000 to manufacture 30,000 copies of our Jesus Loves Porn Stars Bibles which we will then distribute to men and women involved in the sex industry at the largest adult Sexpo's across the world," they wrote on their IndieGogo page. "Our Goal: Raise $50,000 to fund all costs associated with providing 30,000 copies of our Jesus Loves Porn Stars Bibles."
As with all crowd funding campaigns, there are perks for people who donate ranging from $5 - 2,500. Some of the givebacks are E-Bible's, physical copy of the Bible and movie, and joining the crew on a trip. See all the information here.
"Goal of $50,000 has been exceeded!!! This means the XxxChurch will make and hand out 30,000 Bibles for the Adult Conventions! The Bible changed my life and I know it will change many more lives. Thank you to everyone who donated to this cause! ?#"Žyourock? ?#"Žbible? ?#"Žthankyou?" wrote Ruiz on Facebook.
She also was in the promotional video which can be seen below:
Brittni Ruiz interviewed with BREATHEcast a few months ago. Read part one where she talks about battling her demons here. Read part two where she speaks on her work with XXX Church here.