Xbox One April Dashboard Update News: Details & Features Adds to Gamer User Interface

Fans are excited as news has broke about Microsoft, and how they will release an updated version of the Xbox One dashboard in April. Xbox One owners who are part of the Preview Program are already enjoying the update, but now the company has released just exactly what people can expect from the update.

Voice messages have been the most popular and most requested feature since the Xbox One was released a couple of years ago. Now players can record and send voice messages to their friends. Instead of only using it for just one console, voice messages can be sent to either from an Xbox One to Xbox One or an Xbox 360 to Xbox One.

Larry Hryb, Xbox LIVE's Major Nelson sat down with Richard Irving from the Xbox engineering team to discuss other features as well.

Many players have had issues with the Party Chat app, ranging from connectivity issues to network configurations. Irving said that now in Party Chat, a notification will appear telling the player what exactly is wrong and how to fix the problem.

Also, dedicated chat servers will be easily accessible in the Party Chat app. However, the console will have to be set to an open or moderate chat configuration in order to work. Players can route their experience through a server that allows everyone to chat without having to reconfigure everything.

A few minor tweaks to some previous features will be going on as well. Game Hubs is where you can find a lot of information about a certain game. Now, for example, if a friend is playing a game that is worth looking into, players can just click on a link. This will connect them to Game Hub for game clips, activity feeds and more.

Now achievements will be unlocked while playing a game and the notification will give all the details, including a new description feature, about it without ever having to leave the game.