Trending News|March 05, 2015 10:04 EST
'X-Men' & 'The Avengers' Crossover News: 'Wolverine' Actor Hugh Jackman Believes Crossover Film May Be Possible
The almost unfathomable news that fans will finally see their favorite webslinger amongst the Avengers next year has spectators putting together all of these fun ideas into their head as to what team-up could possibly mean for the following movies.
We've all witnessed the boundless world of super-hero films and the only thing we've learned learned from them is that we truly never know what to expect.
A popular team-up scenario has always been the idea of the X-Men with the Avengers, but due to Fox's ownership of the mutant franchise, it's been something that hasn't been able to come to light.
Despite the unlikeliness, actor Hugh Jackman supposedly isn't ready to throw in the towel. In a recent interview with Yahoo Movies the actor commented:
"You know, I think as an optimist I would love it. ... You're in a very complex world where big, big sums of money are being spent for different franchises and so getting them together is difficult. Two years ago I would have said you'd be a real optimist to think it would ever happen, but weirdly I just think it maybe could. I think there is a possibility that it will happen."
It would definitely be a treat to fans everywhere and bring in tons of money, but the Sony and Marvel situation is a lot different than the Fox and Marvel situation.
X-Men films currently do pretty well on their own and don't exactly need help from their neighboring franchise, and the two have already built and established their cinematic worlds.
It's a sticky issue but if the Wolverine actor sees it as a possibility, then who are we to say it isn't.