'X-Men: Apocalypse' New Cast News: Actress Olivia Munn to Play Mutant Psylocke

Joining the huge new cast of Bryan Singer's 'X-Men: Apocalypse,' will be actress and G4 host Olivia Munn as popular, and frequently cosplayed, character Psylocke.

The character's full name is Betsy Braddock and her main powers include using telekentic katana blades, and in that regard, Marvel has provided a full synopsis on the character:

"Psylocke can generate a telekinetic katana, or direct her telekinesis through her fists to strike as if she had superhuman strength; she is also immune to telepathic probes and attacks. Psylocke's original powers were precognition, telepathy, mental bolts, mind control, and generating illusions. After Roma resurrected her, Betsy was briefly invisible to all mechanical detection devices. She could generate a 'psychic knife' to stun or kill opponents. The Crimson Dawn gave her the power to travel via shadows, and to become virtually invisible in same. After swapping powers with Jean Grey, Betsy could create force fields, move objects with her mind, and generate energy blades."

Psylocke's backstory remains to be really convoluted and involves her dying and switching bodies. It isn't suspected that the movie will adopt this bizarre origin. This will however be the character's first official introduction in the 'X-Men' movie franchise.

'X-Men: Apocalypse' will be released on May 27th, 2016.