Trending News|July 20, 2015 02:30 EDT
'X-Men: Apocalypse' News: Jennifer Lawrence May Stick With Franchise
A couple months ago actress Jennifer Lawrence seemed pretty sure that the upcoming 'X-Men' film 'Apocalypse' would mark her last reprisal of her character, however in a more recent interview she now seems uncertain.
She at least believes there to be hope for her to come back in subsequent films, as the studio plans to go forward with the franchise with its current cast.
"I love working with Bryan, and I love these movies," she says. "It's just the paint." She was 20 when she signed on for X-Men: First Class, she says, and didn't care about "fumes and toxins. Now I'm almost 25 and I'm like, 'I can't even pronounce this and that's going in my nose? I'm breathing that?'," cites EW.
Lawrence then goes on to say that it would really be up to the producers at this point, but she is open to return. She also presumed that they weren't positive on what they want at this point.
"There is hope," she says. "I don't want to not be asked." In the meantime, it's best not to ask the filmmakers about her possible departure. They've got more pressing matters to deal with. "I just wanna finish this movie and then figure out the next one," says writer-producer Simon Kinberg. "But I do think about the next chapters of these stories. My hope is we can bring these guys back. And if we didn't then I would adjust," cites EW.
'X-Men: Apocalpyse' premieres in theaters on May 27, 2016.