'World War Z' Sequel News: Movie to Battle 'Fantastic Four' Reboot on Premiere Date

The release date of the 'World War Z' sequel has been revealed to be June 9, 2017, which has consequently puts in competition with the 'Fantastic Four' reboot.

Brad Pitt's zombie inspired movie was revealed to be a huge success, so the sequel is slated to perhaps to do close to the same numbers.

'Fantastic Four' hasn't yet been released so its contention with 'World War Z' doesn't look to be favorable at the moment.

"The move sets up an action-sequel slugfest between director J.A. Bayona's WWZ2 and Fox's Fantastic Four 2. Of course, just how anticipated the latter will be won't be determined until Fantastic Four bows in August. World War Z was able to shake off a swarm of negative advance press to become a half-billion-dollar international hit two summers ago. The sequel's release date is close to the original's June 21 launch," writes Deadline.

It isn't yet known if Fox will decide to movie its sequel date, but it will most likely largely rely on how the first film does. Not much has yet been released on the film, but its been under heavy speculation due to the drastic changes they've made to the original franchise.

"Since both of those movies are theoretically going after much of the same audience, one of them will likely shift release dates, and if I had to put money on it, I'd guess that Fantastic Four 2 would be the one to blink in this scenario. I don't want to rely too much on unconfirmed rumors, but the general sentiment about the production of Josh Trank's Fantastic Four reboot has not been overly positive, which arguably contributed to him leaving the Star Wars spin-off he was supposed to direct. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Fox didn't want to work with him on a sequel, but we'll have to see how that scenario plays out. Maybe those rumors aren't true, and they'll be thrilled to entrust him with a hundred-million-dollar-plus franchise again. Time will tell," writes Geek Tyrant.