'World of Warcraft: Legion' Beta Build 21874 Details: Expansion Beta Update Includes New Music And Achievements

Beta Build 21874 of Blizzard Entertainment's upcoming "World of Warcraft: Legion" expansion has been deployed, and some of its features include new music and achievements.

According to Wow Head, "World of Warcraft: Legion" Build 21874 includes a new music playlist, which include "Highmountain," "Sanctum of Karazhan," "We Are Not Alone," and "Tempest." With this new game soundtrack, it is assumed that they are bound to provide varying moods to the players' gaming experience.

Gamers will also be able to unlock new achievements in Build 21874. The same website reports that these include the adventurer of Azsuna, Adventurer of Highmountain, Adventurer of Stormheim, Adventurer of Suramar, Adventurer of Val'sharah, Treasures of Azsuna, Treasures of Highmountain, Treasures of Stormheim, Treasures of Suramar, and Treasures of Valsharah.

They also ask players to either complete special encounters or discover as specific number of treasures in a certain locale.

"World of Warcraft: Legion" Beta Build 21874 is also designed to fix errors, such as detachment of the demon hunter horns and blindfolds from the character model, disabled or greening of add-on textures, and incorrect rendering of special decals.

According to the developers, they are checking if such issues can be managed through a client build or a hotfix. Further details are yet to be revealed.

For the time being, the upcoming DLC expansion for "World of Warcraft" is now open for pre-order on Battle.net. The standard edition cost $49.99 while the digital deluxe edition costs $69.99

The "World of Warcraft: Legion" expansion is set to be launched on Aug. 30 on Mac OS and Microsoft Windows.