Trending News|February 11, 2015 03:16 EST
'World of Warcraft' In-Game Pet Raises $1.9 Million for Red Cross in Fight Against Ebola
Roughly two months ago, Blizzard made the announcement that they would be donating money toward the fight against the Ebola virus in Africa. Since December 3, the day a special in-game pet was released, Blizzard managed to accumulate $1.9 million for the Red Cross.
On December 3, 2014, Argi, is a bluish ram-like creature, that would help a player "savage lands of Draenor, climbing, swimming, and running wherever [they] go," was released onto the Battle.Net shop.
Argi's "adoption fee" is $10, and 100% of his profits from December 3 to December 31 went to the Red Cross
For those that may not know, virtual pets sold for 'World of Warcraft' are also known as companions, they are both an accessory and a part of the game.
Companions follow the player's character as he or she quests and fights ferocious battles, but they are not allowed to join the fight. However, gamers can enter Pet Battles, where they can fight the companions of other characters with their own.
Stepping back into Blizzard's fight against Ebola, the video game developing titan released an official post about how much they've accumulated for the Red Cross.
The official post on Battle.Net reads, "Thanks to the overwhelming generosity of World of Warcraft players around the world who purchased the Argi pet, we've raised a total of more than 1.9 million USD to support the ongoing Ebola relief efforts in Africa by the Red Cross."
It went on to say "In December, we announced that for every Argi purchased by December 31, 2014, 100% of the adoption fee would be going to assist in aiding in the fight against this deadly disease -- and the community embraced this cute little intergalactic nibbler, helping out a great cause in the process. Thanks again to everyone who helped make a difference."
Check out a video of Argi in action below: