'Wolverine 3' & 'X-Men: Apocalypse' News, Rumors: Film Franchise Ends after Next Two Movies Premiere?

The upcoming 'X-Men: Apocalypse' and 'Wolverine 3' films may not only bring the end of Hugh Jackman's reprisal of his signature role, but the end of a movie legacy.

A new rumor has arisen from Latino Review's El Mayimbe and suggest that Bryan Singer's X-Men universe will come to a close after these upcoming films. He states:

"#RUMOR I'm being told that X-MEN: APOCALYPSE & WOLVERINE 3 will mark the end of the Bryan Singer X-MEN universe he started back in 2000. Makes sense since Hugh Jackman also said Wolverine 3 will be his last film playing Logan. The end of an era."

There's been no confirmation from Fox nor Singer, but it would seem fitting that the universe would come to a close after these major films.

The face of the series will be moving on, along with many key actors, including Jennifer Lawrence.

"The studio has signed some of the hottest actors in Hollywood to headline this franchise (Jennifer Lawrence, Michael Fassbender, etc.), but with Jackman bowing out and Apocalypse being Lawrence's last ride, they admittedly find themselves in the position of losing at least two of their biggest stars in the very near future. (I'm not sure about Fassbender, McAvoy, and Hoult's deals, but I assume they mirror Lawrence's.) Still, there's a lot of money to be made with these characters, and even with these hiccups, I find it a little tough to swallow that a studio would shut down the whole cinematic universe over this," writes Geek Tyrant.

This would also leave the upcoming 'Deadpool' movie and 'Gambit' solo film in an awkward place. Both those movies are set to exist in Fox's X-Men universe, but with the cast disbanding it may lead them into a new franchise reboot.

'X-Men: Apocalypse' premieres on May 27th, 2016 and 'Wolverine 3' is set for March 3rd, 2017.