'Wolverine 3' Movie Release Date News: Film to Start Production Early Next Year

The 'X-Men' franchise has been a popular topic with the news of their new movie releases such as 'X-Men: Apocalypse', and 'Deadpool', but a film coming out later that hasn't been getting as much attention - 'Wolverine 3'.

There also hasn't been much revealed about the third 'Wolverine' movie, but director James Mangold has recently confirmed the filming of the movie to take place early next year.

Hugh Jackman reportedly stated that the movie would be shooting back to back with 'X-Men: Apocalypse', but since the 'Wolverine 3' movie will be premiering a year after 'Apocalypse', they've decided to make it easier and not run the two together.

Its also a treat in itself to have Hugh Jackman reprising his role as Wolverine again, as he was unsure last year if he would be returning.

"I said to my wife, 'The moral is that I should never stop playing Wolverine. I've got to find a way to keep playing him until I die'," says Jackman, "I know that someday they'll recast the role with another actor...I'd be happy if the role was eventually recast. It would mean that it had become iconic."

It was also revealed by Patrick Stewart himself that he'd play a big role in Jackman's new solo film. He states:

"And what I'm very excited about is that we have been talking about a Wolverine movie, which would team Hugh Jackman and myself together. Wolverine and Professor Xavier. That would be a very different sort of 'X-Men' from the four movies that I've already done."

On that note, 'Wolverine 3' is set to premiere in March 2017.