WNBA 2015 News: Brittney Griner & Glory Johnson Suspended Seven Games Each

The WNBA levied its longest ban in the 19 years of its existence when it suspended the Phoenix Mercury's Brittney Griner and Tulsa Shock's Glory Johnson seven games each for their domestic violence arrest last month, the Associated Press reports. The suspension translates to more than one-fifth of the WNBA's 34-game regular season.

"Brittney and Glory's conduct is detrimental to the best interests of the WNBA and violates applicable law. We also understand that people make mistakes, and that education and training are as important as imposing discipline," WNBA president Laurel Richie said in a statement.

As noted by the AP report, the historic punishment comes at a time when the country's major sports leagues are putting their domestic violence policies under review following high-profile cases involving NFL players. The WNBA president admitted to consulting NBA commissioner Adam Silver along with other experts.

Griner and Johnson were arrested on April 22 after fighting in their house just outside Phoenix. As pointed out in a New York Times report, in the WNBA's investigation, it was found that Griner received a bite wound on her finger and scratches on her wrist, while Johnson had a scratch above her lip, along with a concussion. The two players got married last month.

"I have already learned a tremendous amount from this experience and am committed to improving myself and my marriage going forward," Griner said in a statement. "I want to thank everyone for their support over these last few weeks. I realize I let down a lot of people who have been champions for me and I will support my teammates and our organization every day until I am back on the court. I am thankful for the opportunity to make positive changes and become a role model for others to do the same.

As noted by the New York Times, Griner pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct charges and agreed to complete 26 weeks of domestic violence counseling. Johnson's case is still pending.