Trending News|July 08, 2014 11:19 EDT
Winds of Winter to Hit 2017 Release Date, Teasers From George R.R. Martin [SPOILER ALERT]
George R.R. Martin's Game of Thrones series of books is already set for its sixth installment and people are already waiting in anticipation for the next book to arrive. There has not been any definite date on the release, but Martin's editors peg the book with a 2017 release if the famed U.S. author keeps his daily writing pace of 250 words.
Martin's U.S. Editor Anne Groell has insisted that she does not know when "Winds of Winter" will be released. She even tried telling Martin multiple times to try and write on the road, but the author is adamant about his ways.
According to Groell, "Martin is one stubborn man and is very set in his ways."
Martin's UK publisher, Jane Johnson had confirmed in January that the latest addition to the book series will not be released this year.
"In all honesty, only George knows how many books there will be in the series and he's not saying. Indeed, at this stage of his writing, with the many branching pathways of the character's stories still to intersect, he may not know," Johnson told The Guardian.
The author has instead given out teasers on what is going to happen next in "Winds of Winter." For those who don't want to be spoiled, stop reading.
Martin says that the 6th book will open up with two enormous battles. He is most probably referring to the battles between Ramsay Bolton and Stannis Baratheon's armies. What's more, is that Martin has mentioned that there will be more twists, more deaths, and more weddings. The Dothraki will also be making a comeback, according to Entertainment Weekly.
The author has also said that Tyrion and Daenerys will most likely meet in some way, but for much of the book, the two will still be apart.