Windows Phone 10 Release Date News, Update: Mobile Project Is Not Priority At The Moment?

There aren't any significant developments happening for the Windows 10 Mobile. The Windows phone was thought to be dropped before because of "inactivity" in the news feeds.

The Verge got a chance to talk with the leader of the Windows group, Terry Myerson. Myerson told the publisher that right now, the project for the phone is "part of the family but it's not the core" of where he wanted the eyes of the users and enthusiasts and developers to focus on over the next year.

"If you want to reach a lot of Windows customers, then this is the largest install base of 9 to 30-inch screens. If you wanted to do new and exciting things, then the Xbox and HoloLens is the place to have a discussion," Myerson added.

Also, the senior director for Windows marketing, Aaron Woodman told High Tech (via Network World) that the attempt to push for the product will not meet their expectations.

"When we first entered the market of smartphones with the new OS, we had big ambitions. But in reality it turned out that the market does not reflect the dynamics of our desires. Let's be honest, we could have been better." said Woodman.

He also went to elaborate that the market with the highest users of their phones are the business people. There is really no need for Microsoft to push for its Windows phone. It already had great sales in the business sector and they can't win battles against Apple and Samsung if they try to push it to the other sectors as well.