Trending News|May 24, 2016 09:16 EDT
'Watch Dogs 2' News, Updates: Ubisoft Leaks All-New Gameplay?
About a year has passed when "Watch Dogs 2" was confirmed by Ubisoft. There has been a lot of news about the development of the game. There has also been a hype created by critics since the original video game was so good.
Ubisoft would be looking forward to living up to the expectation with the gameplay of their up coming installment in the franchise. According to Game Rant, Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot said that "Watch Dogs 2" could become their company's best selling video game of all time. Guillemot also added that there will be a new gameplay in the game which is something to look forward to.
The developers of the game are also not planning to play it safe this type as they take risks in gameplay and as well as the other parts of the game. That "playing safe" feel can be sense on the very first game which may be understandable since there was no means to measure how the game will do before.
Now that they have a fan base, more importantly, a fan base who seeks more than just a traditional video game, they are pushed to trying out other things to continue separating themselves from the other titles. The very first game has sold over four million copies in its first week alone. A game which achieved that feat is really pressured to be even better the next time around.
The game is expected to be launched in the first quarter of 2017.