Watch: an "Open Space" for community worship

What began as a small group of individuals coming together to worship in 2014 has turned into an ever-growing movement of worship called Housefires. Now, with an ever-evolving group of diverse individuals from all over the country, the Housefires music collective shares the latest performance video from its new album ‘How To Start A Housefire Part III’ (11.3).

Watch the video for “Open Space” (out today), here:

The performance illustrates Housefires’ message of community as hundreds of musicians gather for a unifying worship session of “Open Space,” a song about opening your heart to let God in.

Housefires will share more live performance videos from ‘How To Start A Housefire Part III’ in the coming weeks. Listen to the full album, here:

For more information on Housefires, visit or follow the collective on Instagram and TikTok


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