In the news|March 25, 2015 09:26 EDT
'Walking Dead' Season 5 Episode 16 Recap: Love Blossoms as Trouble Brews in Alexandria
With only a few more episodes before the season finale, The Walking Dead episode titled "Try" brought a lot of tension to the table as more secrets are being revealed and people's fuses have been cut short.
Despite a lot of tension, there was a little romance, as Carl and Enid hid in a hollowed-out tree from a pack of walkers. Their romance budded during the time in close quarters, however, many fans argued that a cramped space in not the best place to hide from zombies.
More chopped-up bodies and foreheads bearing a "W" were discovered by Daryl and Aaron outside the borders of Alexandria. One particular disturbing image was a woman tied up between two trees, waiting to be either eaten by walkers and turned into one. Season 5 has had a lot of lead up to events like this, and maybe viewers will see more about it at the finale.
Sasha complains to Michonne that she is stuck playing defense being stuck up in the clock tower. However, she isn't the only one to complain about the workings of Alexandria.
While living in Alexandria, Rick's group is grateful that they were able to take a small break from survival mode. However, Rick and many others do not like the way the town is run. Yes, Rick was made a sheriff again, but there's a lot more going on behind the scenes.
Deanna, the leader of Alexandria, glances from Pete and his abusive and alcoholic behavior. He beats his wife and kid, is drunk most of the time, and yet Deanna does not condemn him. After all, he is a surgeon and if anyone were to be injured he is the man for the job.
Rick makes his opinion on the matter clear when he and Pete end up fighting each other in a brutal way. Only when Ricks' right hand Michonne pulls him off of Pete does the fighting stop.
The Walking Dead airs Sundays at 9 pm on AMC.