'Vampire Diaries' Season 6 Finale Theories & Spoilers: What's Going to Happen to Elena Gilbert?

Now that it has become common knowledge that Nina Dobrev will be leaving The Vampire Diaries at the end of season six, it is apparent that the finale for the season will have a lot of loose ends to deal with.

Some questions that need to be answered include who has died, how Kai (Chris Wood) got out of the prison world, and how the group will defeat him.

Of course, everyone is also wondering how Elena will leave. Some fans believe that she will not be revived from her unconscious spell in the previous episode.

Others think that she will leave the show by way of being viciously murdered by Kai. She may also die from being killed by the Salvatores out of mercy.

Perhaps she will run away and never look back after the wedding, or maybe she will be persuaded to run from her hometown, now that she is lacking all of the defenses afforded her by being a vampire.

Kai may also cause Elena to get trapped in a prison world, or she may be kidnapped by Matt (Zach Roerig).

One of the biggest themes throughout season six is the dream that Elena has to become a doctor.

Perhaps we will see season six starting off a new chapter in her life, opened by a transfer in schools and relocation to cater to this.

Whatever the case, it is likely, based on what viewers know about the show, that The Vampire Diaries, will probably kill Elena brutally in order for her to leave.

The Season six finale of The Vampire Diaries airs this Thursday at 8:00 pm.