'Vampire Diaries' Season 6 Episode 15 Recap: What's Going To Happen To Caroline?

Last week's episode of The Vampire Diaries had fans reaching for the tissues with the death of Sheriff Liz Forbes, played by Marguerite Macintyre. Her daughter Caroline, played by Candice Accola, looks like she had another emotional episode coming in Thursday's episode titled "Let Her Go."

In a promo video for the episode, Caroline is seen going through a rough time as she plans her mother's funeral. Elena, who is played by Nina Dobrev, said in the clip "I'm worried about Caroline. I don't think she's handling this as well as she thinks she is."

"It hurts so bad," said Caroline later on in the clip. Fans of the show were devastated at the passing of Sheriff Forbes. However, they are anxious to see what will happen next to Caroline.

 In an interview with TV Line, Accola said, "We're going to see Caroline waking up to the reality that her mom is dead. We'll see the business of death, all the things you have to do and the realities you have to face."

She added, "It's been a long couple of months with these emotional episodes...the episodes have also been so powerful, so I feel very grateful that the role of Caroline and this journey she's on have been entrusted to me. So it's exhausting, but I'm also grateful to go to work every day and play it out."

Episode 15 of Season 6 of The Vampire Diaries aired on, February 19, at 8 pm EST on CW.