BC News|March 17, 2015 02:12 EDT
Underoath Releases Second Trailer for 'Tired Violence' Film; Vocalist Admits He Saw 'Negative Sides of Christianity' [VIDEO]
Experimental hardcore/screamo band Underoath released their second trailer for their documentary film "Tired Violence," and revealed that the band changed their focus after years on the road.
"Check out a rough cut of the extended trailer to Tired Violence! Only 48 hours left to be a part of making this movie happen and being listed as a funding partner!" they wrote on Facebook. "Thanks so much to all who have supported this project, and we are super close to making this happen for everyone! Thanks for spreading the word, and we can't wait for you to see this! Go to tiredviolence.merchline.com to be a part of this film and it's release!"
Watch the trailer below:
"For a little back story on the making of Tired Violence, specifically why it's taken us nearly 2 years to get this thing in your hands, watch this video. We're all really proud of how it's turning out and can't wait for you guys to see it," the band posted on Facebook. "It's almost done, and we need your help to finish it! We are soo pumped for you all to see what we have so far and be a part of the story! tiredviolence.merchline.com"
One of the more telling things previewed in the band's trailer was their shift away from making Christian music.
"When we started out we were a Christian band...we were 17, like youth group kids... And then as years went on, unfortunately I became kind of burnt out and jaded toward the different things I was seeing," said two of the voices overlapping in the trailer.
Lead vocalist Spencer Chamberlain then chimed in, "I saw so many negative sides of Christianity that I would do things on purpose just to make a statement."
Last year, longtime keyboard player for the band, Chris Dudley, spoke to the Bad Christian Podcast about some of the underlying issues toward the end of UnderOath. He mentioned that while he was still a Believer, some of the other members of the band no longer identified as Christians. This was also something reflected in the music as it became more vague.
BREATHEcast interviewed co-founding member and former drummer and vocalist Aaron Gillespie and asked him about these claims.

He said, "I would agree with that," but admitted that is was not the reason why he left.
"That's what happened with that band, but that's not why I left. It was just time for me for many many many reasons," he said, "That's a whole other conversation."
He then shared his thoughts on the band "losing their religion" so to speak. "I think that definitely did happen, and I don't think that's wrong necessarily. I think a lot of conservative Christians take something that happens that is out of the realm of spirituality and turn it into something evil," Gillespie said, "While that band started as a Christian band, it started good, it evolved into something different, and I think that's ok. The members are still who they were."
"If people were to be buying hookers and acting crazy, then you got an issue. People are still people." Read the full interview here.
Underoath has special promotions going through the web store in lieu a traditional crowdfunding campaign. They have a digital download, blu-ray, t-shirt, and poster packages ranging from $15 to $75. There are also screening of the film packages in various cities for $250 if the whole project makes its goal.
The latter includes, "Bring Tired Violence to your city for a limited seating VIP screening of the film. The venue will be announced a few weeks before the showing, provided that the screening meets it's goal. Watch the full length film alongside the band and then have an exclusive 1-2 hour Q & A with the band. Ask questions on the film, the past, the present, and the future. You will also be listed as a producer on the final release of Tired Violence!"
Below is the first trailer for the movie:
Below is the back story of the trailer: