‘Uncharted 4: A Thief's End’ Release Date News: Sony Delays PS4 Series Installment until Spring 2016

Here is some disappointing news for fans who have been waiting eagerly for the release of 'Uncharted 4: A Thief's End,' Sony as well as Naughty Dog, the developer of the top-rated PS4 exclusive title, has announced that the release of the game, which was scheduled for 2015-end release, has been delayed unexpectedly.

IB Times reports that Sony posted an article on the official PlayStation Blog on Wednesday where Naughty Dog director Neil Druckman said that the next installment of the 'Uncharted' series will not be released before 2016 spring.

The news comes as a great disappointment for the fans of the horror video game series, as the original release date was timed perfectly for this year's holiday season. However, it is believed that the delay is mainly for augmenting the gaming experience to fulfill the high-standards of the developer team as well as gamers.

Druckman is quoted as saying, "We've made the difficult choice of pushing the game's release date. Giving us a few extra months will make certain that Uncharted 4: A Thief's End not only meets the team's high standards, but the high standards that gamers have come to expect from a Naughty Dog title."

Meanwhile, it is expected that the postponement of the release date of the next chapter in Nathan Drake's tale may turn out to be a blow to the console, which is tied in a stiff competition with its rival Xbox One. The timely release of the exclusive top-rated game would have helped Sony in maintaining it dominance over Microsoft, which is offering steep discounts and price cuts on Xbox One. In fact, the 'Uncharted 4: A Thief's End' is a vital title for PlayStation 4 owners, as it is the first of the series to be launched on PS4.

Compared to the previous installments of 'Uncharted,' this title appears to be promising, while the graphics are extreme. Over the years, the 'Uncharted' series has played a vital role in the PlayStation's success. It is worth mentioning here that the second and third editions of the franchise sold about 10 million copies on their release.

While the last title in the series, 'Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception,' was released in 2011, the latest title features treasure hunter and main protagonist Nathan Drake in search of a lost pirate colony.

Although, neither Sony, nor Naughty Dog has provided a precise release date, it is expected that further details may be announced at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) 2015, scheduled for June 16-18 in Los Angeles.