Trending News|June 15, 2015 08:31 EDT
'Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End' News: Nathan Drake to Make Final Game Appearance Scheduled for Spring 2016 Release [VIDEO]
Recently, video game developer Naughty Dog co-president Evan Wells posted a photograph of an enormous banner of the upcoming action-adventure third-person shooter platform video game 'Uncharted 4: A Thief's End' on Twitter. Currently, the banner has been put up on the outside of the Los Angeles Convention Center, which will host the three-day Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) 2015 from Tuesday.
Christian Today says that erecting a banner of that scale must have cost the game publisher Sony plenty of money, denoting that the company is emphasizing much on marketing the franchise. In fact, when the E3 2015 attendees reach the venue of the video game console trade show, this banner will be among the first things that they will see. The size of the banner is such that it is certain to attract other non-gamers too.
Meanwhile, Naughty Dog creative director Neil Druckmann re-tweeted Wells' post, adding, "Looking mighty good for his last E3."
In a way, Druckmann has actually reiterated the decision of the studio to end the franchise with the upcoming installment. Moreover, Nathan Drake, the main character in the 'Uncharted' series will also make his final appearance in the upcoming video game - 'Uncharted 4: A Thief's End.'
While 'Uncharted 4: A Thief's End' is scheduled for release only in spring 2016, the game studio may possibly be using this kind of hype to display the latest gameplay trailer of the upcoming game, or promote the forthcoming 'Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection,' which was announced last week. As far as the release of the three-game package comprising the remastered versions of the first three 'Uncharted' games for the PlayStation 4 is concerned, the studio has announced that these games will be released without the multiplayer option, which was offered in the original PlayStation 3 editions.
Recently, Naughty Dog representative Eric Monacelli clarified the reason why they will not be releasing the game with multiplayer option in the official PlayStation Blog. Monacelli stated, "We don't want to split up our awesome U2 and U3 MP communities that we have right now either. Everyone who buys collection will get U4 MP Beta access and it'll be a fun way to get ready for U4," adding, "We didn't want to fracture the current player pool and community."
Nevertheless, the game studio will allow people purchasing 'Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection' to have an exclusive access to the multiplayer beta of 'Uncharted 4' in October.