'Ultra Street Fighter IV' Release Date News: Game to Launch on Next Gen Consoles in May

'Ultra Street Fighter IV' made it's debut last year on the PC, Xbox 360, and Playstation 3, however it's next gen release has now been announced for May 26th.

"In a blog post on the official US PlayStation website, Sony announced that Ultra Street Fighter IV on PS4 will have a simultaneous worldwide release. Other Ocean Interactive will be handling the port of the Capcom-developed fighter. An Xbox One version wasn't mentioned, but that isn't surprising since the announcement is on an official Sony blog. However, it's possible that the port, like Street Fighter V, may be a console exclusive for PS4," writes Gamespot.

The 'Ultra' edition adds a host of new characters, stages, and new moves, but it hasn't been said if the next gen release will feature any further additions.

'Ultra Street Fighter IV' will be available on the Playstation Network for $24.99 upon release.