In the news|February 24, 2015 09:26 EST
'Two And a Half Men' Season 12 Finale Recap: Charlie Sheen's Character Returns for Shock Ending
With over 250 episodes under its belt, the show Two and Half Men aired its finale, which turned out to be a memorable one last Thursday night.
Since actor Charlie Sheen, who played Charlie Harper, left in season 8, the show continued to drop in ratings and viewer's interests. Despite saying he wouldn't appear again, the Charlie Harper character made a quick appearance at the end of the show. However, he was not played by Charlie Sheen. According to sources, Charlie Sheen was approached by Lorre to return for the show, but decided against it when the two could not decide on an appropriate ending.
Charlie Harper was actually believed to be dead when he was hit by a train in Paris while on his honeymoon. During the finale, Alan Harper, who is played by Jon Cryer, said, "I'm telling you, Charlie's alive. Charlie's wife then replied, "Oh, good. Then I don't have to tell you." Supposedly, Rose had kidnapped Charlie and had been keeping him alive in the basement, but he eventually escaped.
In the final clip, the back of Charlie Harper is shown and he is ringing the doorbell of his past home. Then, out of the blue, a piano drops on Charlie. The audience laughs and the camera zooms out to see producer Chuck Lorre surveying the scene. He turns to the camera and says "Winning" only to have a piano drop on him as well.
Ryan Schwartz of TV Line said, "Two and a Half Men ended with a big, crude and unapologetically vulgar finale. In other words, it ended the only way it knew how."
Two and a Half Men's first episode aired on September 22, 2003 on CBS