Twitter DM Character Limit News: Social Media Site to Abandon 140-Character Restriction for Direct Messages

Here is some good news for Twitter users, the social network site has chosen to do away with the 140-character limit for direct messages and increase the limit to 10,000 characters.

Tech Radar reports that Twitter's product designer Sachin Agarwal has already conveyed the new to all its developers ahead of the change. According to Venture Beat, the new facility will be rolled out to users in July.

However, the company has yet to announce an official date when the change will become effective.

It is important to note that the move does not remove Twitter's design preference of restraining tweets to 140 characters - but the change only applies to direct messages (DMs).

Earlier this month, Twitter investor Chris Sacca wrote a blog post regarding things Twitter can do improve, stating, "It's a beautiful constraint that has inspired a whole new form of writing." However, Sacca did not mention that he had a problem with the 140-character restrain on DMs. However, this is what will change.

It is important to note that there is no character limit for direct messages in other social networks, such as Facebook and LinkedIn.

However, the affinity of Twitter for the 140-character limit goes back to the early days of this social network site, at a time when Twitter sent tweets in text messages.

Since those days have past long back, Twitter can evolve to fulfill the requirements of its users as well as investors.

Meanwhile, before a Twitteratti begins to worry at the prospects of receiving unwanted extra long messages there is some more news. A Twitter user will henceforth be able to stop people he does not follow from sending him such new, extra-long DMs.

They can do that by un-checking the "Receive Direct Messages from anyone" box in the Security and privacy sections in Twitter's settings.