Trending News|May 11, 2015 09:12 EDT
Tom Hardy News, Rumors: Actor Working on Secret DC Comics Project with Warner Bros?
Fans of Tom Hardy in superhero franchises will be glad to know that the actor isn't yet done with them and is actually working on a secret DC Comics project.
Fans of the 'The Dark Knight' trilogy will remember the actor as the titular Bane character, however this new DC project will be something we haven't yet seen embellished before. The actor doesn't even disclose if the project is a film or TV series.
In an interview with Collider, Hardy states:
"I actually got something cooking with Warner Bros. which is also a comic book, it's a DC thing which is kind of...It's really good actually, it contains elements of all kinds of stuff. From Ocean's Eleven, to Batman, you can get all the wrappers out and it would be a big, really cool, Technicolor, Pulp Fiction...It's a psychological f***fest, it's absolutely awesome. It's as if you would take Transmetropolitan and make it happen, but it's not that out there it's something which is much more real world. It could be like Heat, it could be f**king awesome."
While its great to see Hardy's enthusiasm in the project, his description is extremely vague. When asked if what he's working on is even a movie, he says no and continue to give us vague concepts.
"It's already... It's real estate, it's PRIME real estate which is sitting there right under everybody's nose that no one's really thought about yet and it goes TV and movie, it's awesome. I can't believe that nobody has even - I know they thought of it but no one has actually blown life into it yet."
It at least sounds to be amazing, however considering the vast DC universe, the project could be almost anything.
The actor has recently expressed interest in playing The Punisher, but that's a Marvel property so it's totally unrelated.