Tom Hardy New Movie News: Actor Voices his Interest in Playing Marvel's 'The Punisher'

When actor Tom Hardy turned down his role in 'Suicide Squad' as Rick Flag, it was believed that he was supposedly done with superhero flicks, however in a recent interview with Collider, it has been revealed that he may be interested in portraying a certain Marvel character.

Hardy stated that he would love to play the gritty anti-hero, The Punisher, although he also expresses interest in other franchises. The conversation with Collider followed:

Collider: I heard Warner Bros. has a few more superhero movies, maybe one or two that they're developing [Laughs].

HARDY: I want The Punisher... I want The Punisher, or Splinter Cell, I want something...I don't know what I want.

Collider: You as Punisher could be very interesting.

HARDY: I'm not big enough to be The Punisher, I'm 5'9" [Laughs].

Collider: But I actually think that adds to the character.

HARDY: Frank Castle, I would love it. Is that him, isn't it?

Collider: Yeah. It's Frank Castle.

Despite Hardy joking about his height, he's been seen portraying a larger character in 'The Dark Knight Rises' as Bane. Along with the actor's history in dark and hardened roles, he would be a perfect shoe-in for the character.

"Now that Marvel has the rights to the Punisher back, the character would work well on television, specially in the Netflix scene since Daredevil showed that Marvel is going for a gritty aesthetic. I know Hardy is too big for the small screen, but Punisher works very well when placed next to other heroes because he's willing to kill," writes Collider.

As of right now there is no 'Punisher' solo movie in the near future, but that's not to say he couldn't be shoehorned in an upcoming film in the MCU.