Trending News|April 22, 2015 01:57 EDT
‘Tom Clancy’s The Division’ Release Date Rumors: Ubisoft Points to E3 Expo for Big Reveal
Ubisoft has revealed that Tom Clancy's The Division may be getting E3 treatment this year. The Expo will not just be common ground for releases but will be common ground for competing game companies to boost their sales.
"The production is getting stronger every day and we can't wait to show you what we've been up to a this year's E3," Ubisoft announced on the game's official website. The game will be released on PC, Xbox One and PS4 platforms.
'Tom Clancy's The Division may not be the only game to be released under Ubisoft. Game development teams under the company working on 'Assassin's Creed: Victory' and 'Rainbow Six: Siege' could also be released in the expo according to Young Health Mag.
However, the game boasts its gameplay where users can explore the world post-pandemic outbreak. Players will be an agent of The Division who will scour New York to prevent the disease from spreading and keeping the control over the area. Ubisoft's David Polfeldt had been interviewed by GamerHub TV about the size of the game experience for users and according to him it is a "big long open journey for gamers to discover."
Other expected games to be revealed during the E3 expo are: Kingdom Hearts 3, Mad Max, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, Mass Effect 4, Metal Gear Solid: Phantom Pain, Persona 5, No Man's Sky, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Yoshi's Wooly World and a lot more.