Good Talks|November 11, 2014 09:12 EST
TobyMac Accused of Using Occult 'Baphomet' Image on Stage Set; Rapper Assures Fans it's a 'Moose Head and Antlers' [IMAGE]
An image on TobyMac's Facebook page is stirring up controversy with fans over what appears to be Satanic imagery, however, "Team Toby" has cleared the air and explained the picture.
The Christian music pioneer is currently on the "Worship Stories and Song Tour" with Matt Maher and Ryan Stevenson. The tour has an intimate setting and is a much more cozy type of show. The stage is set like it is log cabin and there are four screens that display a variety of images in the background.

A glimpse of the set was uploaded to Facebook and on the four screens in the background is a picture of what people are calling "baphomet." Baphomet is a goat headed humanoid figure that is often associated with the occult and Satanic practices. (See the image above).
This left fans in a clamor, as Toby received comments such as "What is it? Looks like a baphomet" and "Not gonna lie... first glance the image resembles a satanic figure (goat head)."
However, Toby's web team was there to shut down comments that something evil was brewing in the imagery. "It's a moose head & antlers," replied Toby's page.
They continued, "The backdrop is wood planks so it's like a hunting/rustic vibe. Just one of many images/video on the screen during the show. The photograph doesn't show it as well as if you see it in person."

With that also came the promise of more pictures from the night: "Hey all! I was just on the tour bus here at the Lewisville show and Toby said that image is moose antlers. Kind of a rustic set ... I'm taking a bunch of photos tonight so will have more to show you tomorrow! - jess the webgirl." (See an image submitted by Dawn Jenkins on Toby's page).
Toby has been accused of having "questionable" artwork in the past, such as the eye on his Eye On It album. Many people complained that it is reminiscent of the Eye of Horus, or the All Seeing Eye, which is again tied to the occult and Illuminati.
Toby debunks claim on his site under the FAQ section.
"Though the world can twist almost anything for bad, my intentions were pure regarding the focused eye in my artwork. I am an athlete and my Dad always told me to keep my 'eye on it' in the context of focusing on the ball," he wrote. "So that's where the album title originated. Then, translating that analogy to life, fixing my eye on what matters to me-Jesus and my walk with Him. I also love this verse Matthew 6:22 - 'Your eye is a lamp that provides light for your body, when your eye is good, your whole body is filled with light.'"

It is important to focus on the message behind the music. TobyMac says his music is God centered and written to inspire Christ. His track record in the Christian music industry has been solid so most people are inclined to believe him.
What do you think of the images? Is there anything there, or are people making a big fuss out of nothing? Let us know in the comments.