Trending News|April 28, 2015 08:44 EDT
Tidal Music Service News: Jay-Z Defends Streaming Services Recent Decline
Jay-Z's recent business venture, Tidal, hasn't really become his biggest success in recent weeks especially with the sharp decline shortly after its launch.
He has since decided to address the issues with his streaming service to help clear the air and his product back up.
"Yesterday, Jay Z responded on Twitter with a 'stream of consciousness' defending the company, kicking off by claiming it now has more than 770,000 subscribers - up from 500,000 at the end of 2014 under the company's previous ownership," writes Musically.
In spite of its rocky start, Jay-Z is still very hopeful for the streaming service.
"We aren't perfect - but we are determined," tweeted the artist following a long list of others. All of them followed with the hasthag #TidalFacts.
"The iTunes Store wasn't built in a day. It took Spotify 9 years to be successful. We are here for the long haul. Please give us a chance to grow & get better."
"Tidal is where artists can give their fans more without the middlemen. Indie artists who want to work directly w/ us keep 100% of their music... Tidal pays 75% royalty rate to ALL artists, writers and producers - not just the founding members on stage."
"Our actions will speak louder than words. We made Tidal to bring people the best experiences and to help artists give that to their fans over and over again. We are human (even Daft Punk ha). We aren't perfect - but we are determined."
Perhaps this will keep the morale high for those involved in this company. He makes a good point with stating that this is very early to be predicting the future.