BC News|June 19, 2015 02:17 EDT
Taste of Chaos Festival is Back? Thrice, Jimmy Eat World Headline One Day 2015 Return; Tickets on Sale June 22 [DETAILS]
It's no secret that Dustin Kensrue's rock band Thrice is back, but they are further putting an exclamation point on returning with a star studded one day return of Taste of Chaos.
Taste of Chaos was a popular Fall/Winter tour in the early 2000s that featured many of punk/hardcore's top acts getting together for a few months to tear the roof off venues. It was often compared to as the "second Warped Tour." A few years ago the tour disbanded, but is now returning as a one day fling October 3 in San Benardino, California at the San Manuel Amphitheater Festival Grounds.
Along with Thrice will be a blast from the past of some of the bands that made the festival what it is: Jimmy Eat World, The Used, Dashboard Confessional, The All-American Rejects, Saves The Day, Glassjaw, The Movielife, Story of The Year, Finch. Mark Hoppus (DJ set), Greek Fire and Adair.
Tickets for this event will go on sale June 22 at the official site, here. Presales are $25, with regular admission ranging from $45.50 to $299.00 for special VIP tickets.
"We couldn't be more excited to re-launch Taste of Chaos in 2015, as one of the premiere annual alternative rock festivals of the fall; And what better place to do it than Southern California," said Taste of Chaos founder Kevin Lyman, according to Madmimi.com.
Thrice went on hiatus in 2012, but always intended to get back together at some point. The members went around to do various projects, with Kensrue becoming worship pastor of Mars Hill church. In 2013 he released a worship album, The Water & Blood, dropped a Christmas EP called Lowborn King under the moniker of The Modern Post, and recently release another solo record, Carry the Fire.
Thrice last released an album in 2011 (Major/Minor), and then performed a "last show" which also makes up the live Anthology album featuring some of the best best and most beloved songs.