Trending News|August 24, 2016 11:11 EDT
'The Young And The Restless' Spoilers & Update: Assault Extends Adam's Stay In Jail
While the evidence that could prove his innocence has finally emerged, Adam's chances of being freed from incarceration will ironically be slimmer than ever in the upcoming episode of "The Young and the Restless."
After refusing to eat for days, Adam started to get delirious and hallucinate. His hallucinations were particularly ones where the guard who was there to encourage him to eat and let him know about Chelsea having some good news for him was actually Victor mocking and telling him that he was the only one behind bars while everyone else had already moved on with their lives without him. His hallucinations were so severe that he attacked the guard and tried to kill him, thinking he was Victor.
In the upcoming episode, he will be sent to the infirmary and will learn that his attack on the guard was an assault, so he could be sentenced with another six to ten years in prison. That means that there is no way he could get out of the prison anytime soon, despite having been proven not guilty of the crime he was accused of committing.
Adam's innocence will easily spread through Genoa City, and Nick will discover the truth through the pages in Sage's diary. And when Dylan and Paul tell him that Adam was accused after being framed up by Victor, Nick will get infuriated.
"The woman whose room we found the pages in, Bethany Bryant, is connected to Victor," Dylan tells Nick.
"The Young and the Restless" airs Monday to Friday, 12:30 P.M. on CBS.