'The Walking Dead' Season 7 Release Date, News, Rumors: Is It Glen Who Got Killed In Season 6 Finale?

Someone got killed in the finale of "The Walking Dead" season 6, and fans will have to wait for season 7 to premiere to find out who that character is.

The season 6 finale introduced a new character named Negan, along with his notorious weapon, a barbed wire-wrapped bat named Lucille. Before the season ended, the scene showed Negan swiveling his bat around and whacking one of the characters to death. This character has yet to be revealed in the explosive premiere of season 7, which is going to pick up exactly where the previous season ended.

The suspense surrounding this cliffhanger has led many to speculate that it was Glen who was killed, as he was in the comic book. However, some speculate that the series will take its own course and keep Glen alive. There are also speculations that Daryl Dixon could be Lucille's first victim, as actor Norman Reedus who plays Dixon is now busy with his new show, "Ride with Norman Reedus."

In a statement, showrunner Scott Gimple said: "I ask people to give us the benefit of the doubt that it's all part of a plan, all part of a story. I truly hope that people see the season 7 premiere and they feel it justifies the way we've decided to tell the story."

Season 7 is also going to be bloodier than ever, as it will introduce King Ezekiel and his pet tiger, Shiva. The appearance of The Kingdom has been hinted at in season 6, when two men in armor helped Morgan and Carol. In the comic book, The Kingdom is a group of survivors that runs in opposition to the group of Negan.

"The Walking Dead" season 7 premieres in October on AMC.