‘The Vampire Diaries’ Season 8 Spoilers, Premiere News: Ancient Evil Claim More Lives Before Identity Unveiled?

More lives will be sacrificed by the ancient evil that was unleashed in the finale of "The Vampire Diaries" season 7 as the executive producer of the show is not keep on giving spoilers for season 8 with regards to this new threat.

Showrunner Julie Plec teased season 8 spoilers for "The Vampire Diaries" to TVLine as she said that they already have a name for this ancient creature, but they are not revealing any details just yet.

"This is the first time we've done this little story trick where we're actually withholding the identity and mythology of the new villain from the audience before the next season," Plec said. "What could it be that's been around for thousands of years? We didn't see it, but it has some creepy ass monster hands, and it has the ability to get inside your heard and strip away everything good about you."

Meanwhile, Damon and Enzo's wave of destruction will continue in "The vampire Diaries" season 8 after the creature took control of their bodies, according to the latest spoilers.

It would now be up to Stefan, with the help of Caroline and Bonnie, to track down Damon and save him from himself. Being that this is "The Vampire Diaries," that mission can just as easily go on a downward spiral without guarantee of success.

The showrunner shared to TVLine that Bonnie would be the most affected by what happened to Damon and Enzo because she feels responsible and, couple with the fact that her powers are already gone, she also feels very helpless.

The premiere date for "The Vampire Diaries" has not been released yet, but initial spoilers claimed that season 8 will return to CW in October.