In the news|May 11, 2015 02:42 EDT
'The Vampire Diaries' Season 6 Episode 21 Recap: Jo & Alaric's Not So Perfect Wedding Day
In episode 21 of the sixth season of The Vampire Diaries, Jo, played by Jodi Lyn O'Keefe, and Alaric, played by Matt Davis, finally see their wedding day.
However, there is an evil interruption on their big day. At the beginning of the episode, Bonnie wakes up to see Lily in her bedroom. Evidently, she had escaped her cell in the Salvatore basement and threatened Bonnie.
However, when she tried to use her powers, she had none. Bonnie soon realized that she was only dreaming.
As Jo and Alaric prepared for their wedding, a lot of "normal" things went awry. Jo could not find her shoes, and her wedding coordinator fell ill.
Caroline swooped in to save the day, finding her shoes and taking charge of the wedding.
Caroline also tried to apologize to Elena for what had happened.
She worried that Elena had only taken the cure because she had insulted her. She also wanted to apologize to Stefan, but he was on the road with Damon.
He wanted to make sure that Damon knew what he was doing when he chose to take the cure.
Damon had already thought carefully about his decision, but Stefan pulled out all of the tricks. He put a vision of the future into his brother's head, showing Damon and Elena growing apart.
He showed the couple eventually agreeing that the cure was a mistake.
Stefan eventually told Damon that Elena had wanted him to make sure that his brother knew what he was doing and that he was taking the cure for himself and not Elena.
Finally, the show ends with Jo being killed by Malachi and the wedding being a mayhem.