'The Legend Of Zelda Breath Of The Wild' News: Game Set To Be Unveiled In March 2017

The upcoming game, "Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild" might be in some kind of pressure.The game is not even out yet and it is expected to earn huge amount of bucks once it comes out next year.

According to Euro Gamer, Nintendo needs to garner at least 2 million copies from the game just to break even from all of the money that they have invested in the game. "Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild" has been in development for more than five long years now and has involved a hundred staff members already with about three hundred having contributed in accordance with the department they are in through out the five-year development phase of the game.

It was also said that the development of "Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild" will lead to future projects so we can guess that's why it is taking a lot of time and effort for them to finish the game.

Also, according to Video Gamer, Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto has told investors that "A game is a hit in the domestic market if it reaches 300k sales, but we're targeting worldwide sales." 2 million copies may seem pretty big, but the producers think that it is very much reachable. Other Wii U games that are exclusively available, Super Mario Maker (sold 3.5 million copies) and Splatoon (sold 4.2 million copies) have done it. Also, Mario Kart 8, has sold 7.5 million copies, making it the highest selling game on for the console.

The Legend Of Zelda Breath of the Wild is set to be released in the earier part of next year and will be available for both Wii U and Nintendo's new NX consoles. Reports say that the game will be released sometime in March of 2017.