Trending News|July 26, 2016 11:52 EDT
'The Last Ship' Season 3 Episode 7 Recap, Spoilers: Nathan James Avoids An Overwhelming Threat?
Titled "In the Dark," Episode 7 of "The Last Ship" season 3 follows Nathan James as it avoids an overwhelming threat.
It can be recalled that in the previous episode, Chandler decided to execute the final part of his plan when his mission got to a critical point. The episode also followed Michener as he thought about his fate as the President of the United States.
Episode 7 opens with the successful retrieval of some soldiers from Vietnam. Aboard the Nathan James, the soldiers sit down for a meal and talk about their horrible experience. Chandler then arrives to tell Slattery that they should tell the President that the mission was a success.
Chandler asks Takehaya who is being held captive on the ship. However, Takehaya refuses to cooperate, telling him that the United States killed their people. In the end, Chandler tells him that even if he is protected by the Geneva Convention, he will still be prosecuted once they reach the U.S. Takehaya daringly responds that he will never live long enough to reach that point.
Cooper oversees the recovery of Kyoko. Doc Rios informs Chandler that the virus and the remedy are both present in Kyoko, but he is no longer capable of running more extensive blood work.
Meanwhile, the crew detects a radar signal from a fleet sent by Peng Wu. After receiving a report about the crew abduction, Michener and his people contact the Nathan James.
Chandler confronts Takehaya again and tells him about Kyoko's condition. He gives him a bag of blood containing the cure and asks him to reveal what happened to him. Takehaya finally discloses the truth. He tells Chandler that all those who received and did not receive the cure died. Chandler asks him if he knows anyone who tampered with the cargo containing the injections, but Takehaya says that's impossible because he is the one giving out the injections.
Cooper, Chandler and Slattery try to figure out what happened to the shipment that reached Takehaya. After a while, Peng's fleet finds the Nathan James and asks them to report. Chandler pretends that the transmission is garbled, so they are able to buy themselves enough time to hide behind another island.
Kyoko's condition worsens and Dr. Rios decides to conduct an emergency C-section. The baby is successfully delivered, and Takehaya decides to give the child the cure.
Towards the end of the episode, the crew decides to attack Peng's fleet. Takehaya helps the crew by guiding the Nathan James into a minefield that he constructed in the open sea. Finally, they are able to evade the Chinese fleet. Takehaya tells the captain that a smuggler named Wu Min told him how to find the sailors.
The end of the episode saw Michener kill himself out of shame for everything he did.
"The Last Ship" season 3, episode 7 aired last July 24 on TNT.