‘The Flash’ Season 2 Spoilers, News: Sneak Peek Teaser Video Showcases Zoom [VIDEO]

As fans are eager to tune into 'The Flash' for its second season on the CW, they're still searching for spoilers and reports about what's to come. While the premiere of Season 2 is set to air early next week, a new teaser video offered some insight into the superhero TV series.

Even though the latest teaser video released by the CW was rather short, about thirty seconds, it still revealed quite a bit in terms of content and spoilers.

According to the Christian Post, "there's Dr. Martin Stein (Victor Garber), who is the other half of the Firestorm, lecturing Cisco Ramon (Carlos Valdes) about his newfound metahuman powers. The elder professor calls the ability of the STAR Labs resident genius a 'gift,' which despite that it makes him different from everyone else, [and] makes him a special person capable of doing greater things for humanity."

Beyond that, the video also takes the viewers along the wild ride of Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) and Jay Garrick's (Teddy Sears) friendship. While the two are evidently different on the cosmic timeline scale, they seem at ease with eachother.

After that, the promo clip went ahead and showcased the new season's big bag villain Zoom, who's voiced by Tony Todd. For those that may not know, Garrick actually revealed that Zoom was responsible for the deaths of many people in the world, which surely doesn't sit well with a good guy like The Flash.

On that note, in an Entertainment Weekly interview with the executive producer of the series, Andrew Kreisberg, they're going to showcase another super- fast villain this season besides Tom Cavanagh's Reverse-Flash.

Basically fans of the show can expect a more demonic type villain who indeed is super-fast just like The Flash. He even went as far as to say the new villain will be somewhat of a "monster."

Last but not least, while the promo video offers some great spoilers for the upcoming season, fans of 'The Flash' should certainly tune into The CW on October 6 at 8:00 pm EST for the premiere.