'The Flash' Season 2 Finale Recap, Spoilers: Barry And Zoom Make Their Last Epic Race Ever?

Barry tries to stop Zoom from doing his evil plans in "The Flash" season 2 episode 23, the season finale.

"The Flash" season 2 episode 23 is entitled "The Race of His Life." According to Spoilers Guide, the episode saw Zoom unveil his real intentions for himself and for the planet. Upon knowing this, Barry made a promise to do whatever it takes just to stop the villain from actualizing his nasty plot.

The season finale also saw Zoom come to Barry, challenging the latter on a race, along with a threat that he would kill everyone the Scarlet Speedster loves if he refused. However, seeing Barry agree might be the end for the multiverse, as Wells learned that Zoom stole a magnetar from Mercury Labs and this device would let him crush every realm in the multiverse when he and Barry create sufficient energy to give power to the device.

Barry refused to back out, so the team tried to protect him by restraining him in his containment cell. They also created a plan to bring Zoom to Earth-2; however, Joe was with the latter. Because of what happened, Barry was released to rescue Joe and agreed to race with the villain if he brings back Joe safely.

Zoom and Barry started the race, which expectedly powers up the magnatar. As they do the race, the Scarlet Speedster created his time remnant in order to stop the magnatar and take down Zoom at the same time. As a result, Zoom is defeated and was taken by the Time Wraiths.

The episode also saw Barry learn that the real Jay Garrick was actually Henry's doppelganger and this made his distressed. Also, Wells and Jesse went back with Jay to Earth-2. The series concluded with Barry traveling back in time to stop Reverse-Flash from killing his mother.

"The Flash: season 2 episode 23, "The Race of His Life," aired on May 24. Watch the promo clip here.