Trending News|March 24, 2015 11:49 EDT
'The Flash' Episode 16 Spoilers: Barry Works to Fix Time, Cisco Gets a Girlfriend in ‘Rogue Time’ [VIDEO]
When 'The Flash' Season 1 Episode 16 titled 'Rogue Time' airs on The CW on Tuesday, March 24, fans will see Barry (Grant Gustin) fixing time, as in the previous episode 'Out of Time,' his incredible fast running which shut down the tsunami moving towards Central City actually pushed time back by a whole day.
According to IB Times, fans will also see Cisco (Carlos Valdes), who was killed in 'Out of Time,' getting back to life in the upcoming episode. In addition, Cisco may even be seen with a girlfriend!
While Dr. Wells (Tom Cavanagh) revealed to Cisco that he wants Barry to increase his speed to such extent that he could get back to his time in the future, the official promo of 'Rogue Time' shows him telling Barry that his new ability, perhaps pointing to time traveling, is dangerous. In the video clip, Dr. Wells is seen telling Barry, "Whatever tragedy you think you averted, time will find a way to replace it."
Elsewhere, the villain duo of the television drama - Captain Cold (Wentworth Miller) and Heat Wave (Dominic Purcell), have already returned to Central City, and is determined to locate The Flash. Along with him, Cold has brought his baby sister Lisa Snart (Peyton List) and their return may be somehow related to do with the denture created by Barry in time.
In the previous episode 'Out of Time,' Dr Wells disclosed to Cisco, who he considers to be like his son, that actually he was Eobard Thawne who came back in time to kill young Barry, but instead killed Barry's mother Nora. After expressing his apologies to Cisco, Wells kills him and the latter has been dead for centuries. A teaser in the official Flash Twitter page says that with the turning back of time, Cisco has not been killed yet, and he may even get a girlfriend.
'The Flash' Season 1 Episode 16 titled 'Rogue Time' at 8 pm EST on Tuesday, March 24, on The CW network.