In the news|March 26, 2015 09:18 EDT
‘The Evil Within’ Second DLC Release Date News: 'The Consequence' Download Launches April 21
With the first DLC pack for The Evil Within, titled "The Assignment" that came out just a couple of weeks ago, Bethesda and Tango Gameworks are keeping tight-lipped about the second add-on called "The Consequence."
However, they finally released a launch date of April 21 for the PC, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, and PlayStation 4 this week. PlayStation owners living in Europe can receive it the next day, April 22.
"The Consequence" will continue Detective Juli Kidman's story about her connection to Mobius. In a very brief teaser trailer released this week, Pc Gamer said, "they're not kidding when they say brief: It's 19 seconds long, and literally half of it is either an ESRB warning or an Evil Within logo."
In the trailer, Juli is walking towards a city called Paranoia when a train comes right towards her. The picture cuts out and we hear a blood curdling scream. The title then appears with Juli (voiced by Dexter's Jennifer Carpenter) saying, "I'm not running this time."
"The Assignment" was well received by fans and critics alike so far. IGN said, "It offers a thrilling three-and-a-half hours in The Evil Within's grimy universe. Its stealthy gameplay, beautifully designed environments, and refreshingly grounded protagonist make it stand out from the main game, and a cliffhanger ending suggests there's much more good stuff to come in part two: The Consequence."
Also coming this year is a third add-on called "The Executioner, which players will be able to play the bad buy, The Keeper (aka Boxman).
According to Game Spot, all three DLC packs are priced at $20 for the pass. If purchased individually, each add-on is $10.
However, they finally released a launch date of April 21 for the PC, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, and PlayStation 4 this week. PlayStation owners living in Europe can receive it the next day, April 22.
"The Consequence" will continue Detective Juli Kidman's story about her connection to Mobius. In a very brief teaser trailer released this week, Pc Gamer said, "they're not kidding when they say brief: It's 19 seconds long, and literally half of it is either an ESRB warning or an Evil Within logo."
In the trailer, Juli is walking towards a city called Paranoia when a train comes right towards her. The picture cuts out and we hear a blood curdling scream. The title then appears with Juli (voiced by Dexter's Jennifer Carpenter) says, "I'm not running this time."
"The Assignment" was well received by fans and critics alike so far. IGN said, "It offers a thrilling three-and-a-half hours in The Evil Within's grimy universe. Its stealthy gameplay, beautifully designed environments, and refreshingly grounded protagonist make it stand out from the main game, and a cliffhanger ending suggests there's much more good stuff to come in part two: The Consequence."
Also coming this year is a third add-on called "The Executioner, which players will be able to play the bad buy, The Keeper (aka Boxman).
According to Game Spot, all three DLC packs are priced at $20 for the pass. If purchased individually, each add-on is $10.