‘The Division’ Update: Tom Clancy Spills New Interesting Features for PC, PS4 and Xbox One Gamers

Tom Clancy's "The Division" is up for two free expansions, the first one being titled "Incursions."

In a livestream event on March 31, Ubisoft discussed the newest features of Tom Clancy's "The Division."

An article published on Parent Herald says that Incursions refer to raid-like activities especially developed for squad play.

According to Ubisoft, through Incursions, teams can assess their skills by fighting with unstoppable enemies and can be rewarded with high-level loot. These Incursions were previously promised to be included for free in Ubisoft's DLC and endgame content.

"The Division" is also adding loot-trading as one of its features, which lets players in the same group to swap items.

"Conflict," the second of the two free expansions, is going to be launched in May 2016. This adds new features to Dark Zone and an Incursion in Manhattan's Columbus Circle. For the months of April and May, gamers can avail of the updates on "The Division" free of charge.

It has also been revealed that three other expansions are set to be released for "The Division," and these expansions are expected to be a lot bigger and grander.

 "Falcon Lost," the first Incursion, is set in a new underground water-treatment facility that has been converted into a bastion for the Last Man Battalion.  It has two levels of difficulty: Hard Mode for players with gear scores that are equivalent to level 31, and the even tougher Challenge Mode.

Tom Clancy's "The Division" arrives on April 12 on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC.