'The Daily Show' News: Trevor Noah Speaks On Changes To The Comedy Central Program

'The Daily Show' fans all understand that the iconic host, John Stewart will be stepping down to give South African comedian Trevor Noah his seat.

While we can expect certain things to change, the new show host let us know exactly what he'll be tweaking in his new direction at the Television Critics Association's semi-annual press tour on Wednesday.

"The Daily Show was based on an emerging 24 hour news cycle, that's everything it was," Noah stated. "That's what inspired The Daily Show. Now you look at news and it's changed. It's no longer predicated around 24 hour news. There are so many different choices. Half of it is online now. Now you've got the Gawkers, the BuzzFeeds. The way people are drawing their news is soundbites and headlines and click-bait links has changed everything. The biggest challenge is going to be an exciting one I'm sure is how are we going to bring all of that together looking at it from a bigger lens as opposed to just going after one source-which was historically Fox News."

Along with the set, Noah goes on to speak on how the perspective of the show will change. This is likely to be expected by just listing the differences between Stewart and the South African talent.

"We're still dealing with the same issues, it's just a different angle we're looking at things from-and it's my angle, really. I'm taking things in a slightly different direction, but to the same endpoint." Noah explained. "The way we look at the same story will be completely different. We have different access to different jokes, different sides, different sensitivities ... the most important thing is the place that you come from."

He closes with speaking on the pressure of succeeding Stewart and what's expected of him.

"The biggest pressure is living up to the expectations that Jon has for me," he said. "Jon believes in me ... for years we've been talking. I never dreamed I'd be sitting in this chair. I guess he knew something about me that I didn't know at the time. There's an immense pressure, personally. But it's about the show first, it's not about me."