'The Big Bang Theory' Season 8 Recap Spoilers: The New and Improved Dr. Sheldon Cooper

The season eight premiere of the hit CBS sitcom, The Big Bang Theory, showcased lot of interesting things and developments.

In the previous season of the show, Sheldon decided that he was losing control of his life because the university would not allow him to switch from string theory research, his favorite comic store burned down, and Leonard's engagement led Amy to ask him to move in.

The overload of changes caused him to make an escape, via train. At the beginning of season eight, we see Sheldon at a train station 45 days after the end of season seven in Kingman, Arizona.

Sheldon is only wearing a t-shirt, underwear and one sock. As he attempts to get helps from strangers, the police eventually pick him up and he calls his friends for a ride. He declares himself new and improved and ready for any more changes, that is besides Penny's new hairstyle.

During the episode, Leonard and Amy are seen mostly in a car, as they drive to Arizona in order to retrieve Sheldon from the police station. Raj spends time during the episode talking about his girlfriend Emily, who is still yet to be seen, and Howard's mother.

Stuart is still living with her, and this moves Howard to come up with a plan to kick him out. Bernadette helps Penny to get ready for a job interview at her pharmaceutical company.

In the second episode of the season, airing last Thursday April 18th, The old Sheldon returns. Penny gets the new job and she and Bernadette disagree about how she should prepare for her first day.