Trending News|March 25, 2015 02:03 EDT
'The Avengers: Infinity Wars' Cast News: Russo Brothers to Helm Final Installment
Some very big news has come out about the development of the last chapter of 'The Avengers', which has revealed that none other than The Russo Brothers will now be directing the project.
In case you're unaware, these are the minds that were behind the critically acclaimed 'Captain America: Winter Soldier', and the ones that are currently behind the 'Civil War' project.
They've proved their aptitude to bring great Marvel features to the big screen so fans shouldn't be too alarmed with Joss Whedon handing over the torch. Whedon's stepping down from directing 'The Avengers' movies is also completely deliberate.
"Even if you don't think Captain America: The Winter Soldier is the best Marvel movie to date you have to acknowledge that it's in the conversation. And that was their first time with big action - they've been comedy directors in the past, and those two different sets of chops will help them as they take over this big, bustling team from Joss Whedon. What's more, I keep getting told that Civil War is instrumental in setting up infinity War, so it's great that the Russos will be able to bring their story all the way through to the end," writes Bada** Digest.
They'll currently have a ton of non-stop work in front of them as 'Civil War' goes into production in the next couple weeks, and 'Infinity Wars' follows right afterwards for a release in 2017.