'The Americans' Season 3 Spoilers: How Committed are Philip and Elizabeth to the Mission?

It's no surprise that the third season of The Americans is off to a dramatic start. Philip (Matthew Rhys) and Elizabeth (Keri Russell) have already been dangerously close to exposure, and they have the added worry of what to do about daughter Paige (Holly Taylor).

The Jennings are anything but a typical American family, with their dark family secret - being members of a Soviet spy operation, they can say that parenting an angst-ridden teen is hard for anyone.

As the Soviet spies try to infiltrate the CIA Afghan group, the spy couple gets in deep very quickly.

With only the third episode of the season aired, Elizabeth had had a violent confrontation with agents that were sent to her location when a turned US agent backed out of the deal and called in authorities. Elizabeth gets away, but not without damaging her tooth and jaw.

After they were able to identify the names of the Afghan group with help from their new handler Gabriel, (Frank Langella), they don disguises and attend the open house of CIA agent Paaswell, who is going through a divorce, and selling his home for pennies on the dollar - making him a prime target for the spies to turn.

Philip can place a listening device in the home office of Paaswell. Philip and Elizabeth return to the car to listen to the wiretap and after minutes of driving they realize they've been made.

While Philip is able to roll from the car and get away, but again Elizabeth is on the cusp of being caught. She barely makes it out. She comes home and with few words exchanged, Philip decides they need to solve a problem looming from the premiere episode - Elizabeth's tooth.

The agonizing scene shows Elizabeth struggling to remain silent and calm as Philip uses pliers to yank out her tooth. It's both a gruesome and compelling scene that shows how committed she and Philip are to each other and the mission.