Taylor Swift News, Rumors: Popstar Thinks She'll Still be Single at the Age of Thirty

The famous country singer and now pop singer Taylor Swift has apparently predicted that she will be unmarried up to the age of 30. The hit singer known to be great writing songs about previous boyfriends predicts that she will remain single with many cats in her recent interview.

Although by the looks of it, getting so much attention from everybody especially with the guys, being a pop star apparently gives her a hard time to have a long and full relationship. "I'll probably still be single," she shared in a new interview with The Telegraph.

"Let's be honest. No one's going to sign up for this and everything that goes with it. 'Hi, nice to meet you, want a date? Do you love camera flashes? I hope you do!'" Swift jokingly continued. The pop star shared how hard it is if not impossible to have a relationship with the kind of life she has.

"I don't know what's going to happen if I'm ever content in a relationship-no idea how that's going to work. I don't even know if that's possible with the life I have." Apparently, even being good friends with guys are hard since the media usually gives color to Swift hanging out with her guy friends.

"I just got so freaked out that people were going to say I was dating him," she admitted. "I started thinking, 'I can't let this ruin my friendship with dudes.' I didn't let it ruin my friendship with Ed Sheeran. They always said we were dating and we never were. But sometimes, I get really scared," she added.

Swift also revealed that at times, she gets lonely being single. "Just because you're happy in a relationship doesn't mean that there aren't moments of confusion or frustration or loneliness or sadness," she admitted. "Hopefully, if I ever find some sort of meaningful relationship, I'll be able to still find inspiration, just through the everyday ups and downs," Swift added.

But of course, the young star can't help but make fun of her prediction saying that she will be single with so many cats around her. "In five years' time, she'll be so afraid of everything, she doesn't leave her house," Swift joked adding, "She's just surrounded by cats. So many cats, they've divided themselves up into armies and she wanders around lint-rolling the couch that no one's going to sit on because she's afraid to have people over..."