Trending News|May 18, 2015 01:37 EDT
'Supergirl' New Series Trailer News: Fan Made Teaser Recut Removes 'Bubbliness' [VIDEO]
The release of CBS's 'Supergirl' trailer received some fairly negative feedback, and not only the series' premise itself, but mostly with how the trailer presented it.
While the actual show presents itself like this or not has yet to be determined, but the first look at the show relied heavily on telling the story of a young adult female living in the big city, and not exactly Supergirl as a character.
Video editor Tim Gonzales took note of this and decided to recut the trailer in a way that does with the bubbly female appeal and presents the series as something it could possibly be. He writes:
"Alternate trailer I cut together for the CBS Supergirl show. My intent was to edit the original footage into a traditional trailer to make it seem less bubbly (not sure if that's the right word) and more epic/riveting in tone. Hope you enjoy and thanks for your time!"
This trailer also made an effort to cut down the total length. While the original trailer spanned over six minutes, this one clocked in below two.
"Had the network released a trailer that looked more like this, I think fans would have been a little bit more open to what's coming. In the end though, everyone knows what this series entails now, and a big chunk of the hardcore fanbase of shows such as Arrow and The Flash seem to have already written it off," writes Geek Tyrant.