Sum 41 Frontman Deryck Whibley News: Singer Steps Out With Fiancée After Near Death Experience

Sum 41 frontman Deryck Whibley is finally spotted out and about looking much healthier than his previous blog post revealing that he had a near-death experience last year with some of his organs failing because of excessive drinking.

Now, Whibley, seen out in Los Angeles with fiancée Jocelyn Aguilar shows that he is healthier than he was before. Everyone was shocked when Whibley's health was suddenly at risk and he might have even lost his life last year narrating what happened in his past blog post.

"Hey everyone, it's deryck here. sorry i've been so m.i.a. lately, but i've been very sick in the hospital for a month and was pretty sick for a few weeks leading up to my trip to the hospital," Whibley wrote on his personal website explaining his sudden absence.

"The reason i got so sick is from all the hard boozing i've been doing over the years. it finally caught up to me," he continued that his time of drinking frequently had him suffer the consequences. "I was drinking hard every day. until one night. i was sitting at home, poured myself another drink around mid night and was about to watch a movie when all of a sudden i didn't feel so good. i then collapsed to the ground unconscious. my fiancé got me rushed to the hospital where they put me into the intensive care unit," Avril Lavigne's ex-husband added.

The near death experience apparently taught the singer to finally make a change and his life and stop drinking. "When i finally woke up the next day i had no idea where i was," he continued. "My mum and step dad were standing over me. i was so freaked out. my liver and kidney's collapsed on me. needless to say it scared me straight. i finally realized i can't drink anymore."

Now that everything's well, Whibley announces that he is now in the best shape of his life as proven by his recent outing. "I'm glad it happened now and not when I'm like, 50, because my body wouldn't have been able to handle it...However, now I'm feeling better than I've ever felt," Whibley previously told told Vice's music channel, Noisey, in April of his near-death experience. "I'm healthier. I'm in the best shape of my life."